Thurrock Gazette - Memorials

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Death Notice

Samuel Martyn Paul Draper

Published on 01/06/2023

DRAPER Samuel Martyn Paul known as Martyn Passed away peacefully on Thursday, 4th May 2023 aged 84 years. Much loved Husband, Dad & Grandad. He will be greatly missed by all family & friends. Funeral service to be held at Southend Crematorium on Tuesday, 20th June 2023, at 10:40am followed by a burial. All who knew him are welcome to attend. Family flowers only & donations if desired for Dementia UK & Rawreth Court Dementia Care Home can be made via or placed in the collection box after the service. All enquiries c/o S. Stibbards & Sons Ltd, 4 Commonhall Lane, Hadleigh, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 2RN, 01702 558717


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