Have you ever been stuck without a ladder, realised first thing in the morning you’re out of milk, or could have really done without the school run before work?

OurRoad may be able to help.

OurRoad is a free social network service - linking up neighbours exclusively in your road.

The idea is simple, the first person to register in each road will be invited to join the OurRoad admin Facebook group where Stronger Together partners will be on hand to support.

That same person will be sent a link to a digital pack of information to help get their neighbours onboard, including window posters, neighbour invites, free online training, contact information for local organisations and a handy ideas guide on how to help your neighbours.

Cllr Deb Huelin, Thurrock Council Cabinet Member for Communities and a partner of Stronger Togerher said: “OurRoad is a way of connecting neighbours by more than a fence or a wall. We are hoping that this new found community spirit that has come together through the COVID-19 pandemic will continue long into the future, using networks like OurRoad.

“To be really clear though, these mini-networks for each road in Thurrock won’t be managed, governed, checked or reported on by any of our Stronger Together partners. Simply, we’re encouraging people to set them up and run them in the way that suits their area best.

Kristina Jackson, Chief Executive Officer at Thurrock CVS, said: “Each road in Thurrock is different, we know that.

“But, we’re hoping OurRoad will provoke and continue to grow conversations we know are taking place during lockdown – for example, people who might already be popping to the shop, might send out a quick WhatsApp message to ask if anybody needs any essentials? It might be that one house is mowing their own front garden, and knows that their neighbour next door is less mobile, and so might choose to mow theirs too… the list is endless.

“We know Thurrock is a tremendously community focused borough. We have been witness to some of the most inspiring demonstrations of humanity and compassion during these difficult times, this is our way to trying to continue that amazing effort, long into the future.”

To register, or check if your road is already registered, visit: OurRoad.uk and to stay up to date on social, search OurRoadThurrock on Facebook and Instagram.