Essex is one of the UK’s hotspots for finding treasure, according to the latest data.

Analysis of figures put together by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport found there have been 570 items identified as treasure found in the county since 2012.

The East of England is the treasure capital of the UK, with 2,433 pieces of so-called treasure found in the same period.

Essex came third, just behind neighbouring Suffolk, in the regional rankings, while Norfolk was way out in front with 917 treasure finds since 2012.

The top three in the East of England also made up the top three counties/ areas across the UK.

The analysis, carried out by Sefton Meadows, found there was significantly more treasure found in southern England compared to northern and Scottish areas.

Thurrock Gazette:

Some of the biggest finds since 2012 included The Ringlemere Cup, thought to be nearly 600 years old, and Roman coins called Grots which date back to the start of the Roman invasion and around 43 AD to 410 AD.

What should I do if I find treasure?

Under UK laws, anyone finding objects classed as treasure must report it to the local coroner within 14 days of finding it.

Anyone failing to do so could face an unlimited fine or up to three months in prison.

A local Finds Liaison Officer will contact you to talk about how and where you made the find and to give you a receipt.

They will write a report before the coroner will then hold an inquest.

You may be invited to the inquest, along with the site occupier and landowner of where the treasure was found, and given the opportunity to ask questions.

The Treasure Valuation Committee will then decide how much the treasure is worth and how much will go to anyone eligible for a share of the find.

Who gets a share of the reward?

You may get a share of the reward if you’re:

• the finder, and had permission to be on the land and acted in good faith

• a person or organisation with freehold on the land

• someone who occupies the land as a tenant of the owner Archaeologists are not entitled to a share of any reward.

If you act in bad faith (for example by trespassing or trying to hide the find) you may get a reduced share of the reward, or none at all.

It can take up to one year from when the treasure was found until the reward is paid (it’s longer for large or disputed finds).

If no museum wants the treasure, you may then keep the items - providing the landowner or site occupier doesn't object within 28 days.