Marie Curie, the UK’s leading end of life charity, is working in partnership with the NHS to help formulate change.

By taking part in a 15 minute online survey – which is totally anonymous – you can make your own views known. You can do this on your behalf, or to give a voice to a loved one you have lost.

Marie Curie is asking people in the East of England to participate in a survey that looks at experiences of palliative and end of life care across the region.

The survey hopes to hear real experiences of people over the age of 18 in the NHS East of England area, whether they support someone with any terminal illness, have a diagnosis themselves, or have a family member who has been affected. The aim is to help formulate the best possible experience of care at the end of life.

Questions in the short survey, which you can accessed here, cover topics like care received, what you think could have been improved, and how best to support and care for patients and their loved ones.

Marie Curie

About Marie Curie

As the UK’s leading end of life charity, Marie Curie is there for you. Last year it provided direct support to 61,800 people with any illness they are likely to die from, and those who care for them. Support can range from expert hospice care and at-home support, to the free information and support line, which helps so many people.

‘I got to speak out for my sister’

One woman who has already filled in the survey said that it was not only good to be part of change, but that she felt she was doing it on behalf of her sister: “I feel very grateful to have had the opportunity to talk with the team at Marie Curie about what my sister went through at the end of her life.  It has not only helped me to process things a little, but also given me the opportunity to speak out for her – something I was not able to do at the time.  I hope my contribution to this study can ensure more people receive the dignity and respect we all deserve at end of life.”

We are inviting people who have been affected by terminal illness to take part in this survey to help us highlight what is working well but also help identify priority areas for improvement.

Marie Curie East of England Associate Director Strategic Partnerships & Services Jonathan Clemo

Jonathan Clemo added that the results will be shared with the NHS teams and those at Marie Curie who are responsible for making provision for end of life care.

He said the will be asking them to incorporate recommendations made as a result of the survey into future plans for the East of England.


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Website survey link Survey: Experiences of Palliative and End of Life Care in the East of England (